Gums That Bleed Easily May Be a Sign of Gum Disease

Maintaining a consistently healthy mouth goes beyond simple cavity prevention. It also includes maintaining healthy gums as well as other oral tissues. Performing an effective oral hygiene routine each day calls for brushing your teeth each morning and evening, as well as making sure to thoroughly floss at least once each day. When bacterial deposits like plaque and residual food... read more »

How Does a Dental Cleaning Help Me?

If you have questions about a dental cleaning offered at The Art of Dentistry, it’s best to talk to your dentist, Dr. Ronald A. Williams, and our dental team. In the meantime, we would like to give you some information so you can find some of the answers you’re looking for. Today, we are happy to tell you how a... read more »

Cavity Prevention: 4 Tips That Can Save Your Smile

Dental cavities are real, but so is cavity prevention. If you use these four tips on a regular basis, you will maintain a strong and healthy smile and you will also fight off tooth decay every chance you get: · Keep up on oral hygiene: It is very important that you brush your teeth every morning and every night, floss... read more »