Gums That Bleed Easily May Be a Sign of Gum Disease

Maintaining a consistently healthy mouth goes beyond simple cavity prevention. It also includes maintaining healthy gums as well as other oral tissues. Performing an effective oral hygiene routine each day calls for brushing your teeth each morning and evening, as well as making sure to thoroughly floss at least once each day. When bacterial deposits like plaque and residual food... read more »

Enhance Your Smile with Effective Gum Disease Prevention

The symptoms of gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, are typically painless, resulting in cases where many individuals do not know they even have it. Some common symptoms include bad breath that refuses to go away, swollen or bleeding gums, loose teeth, and gums that appear to be receding. Treatment for gum disease is available at The Art... read more »

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Everyone suffers from bad breath now and then. If you suspect your breath is foul, you could try brushing your teeth or taking a breath mint. If your bad breath persists, it could be a symptom of an oral condition, such as one of these: - Poor dental hygiene: If you don’t brush and floss daily, food is lingering in... read more »

Why Plaque Is Detrimental to Your Teeth

Your smile depends on healthy teeth and gums which come from your diligent efforts combined with professional dental cleanings to do what you cannot at home--removing tartar, or hardened plaque, off of your pearly whites and gum line. Plaque can actually damage the strongest substance in the human body--your tooth enamel. Plaque could be said to be the Achilles' heel... read more »